Steps to purchase The Passport
Step 1: Follow this link:
Step 2: See below:
New User: Find “New User: Create Account" and input your email address, select "Parent/Player" for account type, create your password and click "Register“
Existing User: Find “Returning User: Login” and enter account information
Step 3: Enter full name of player into "Player" Section
New Profile: If player has not yet created a profile, click "Create Player Profile" and fill out necessary fields. Then click "Save Player Info" to create profile. After creating the profile, click "Confirm Player Data“
Existing Profile: If player already has a profile, select their name and click "Confirm Player Data." If you must "Request Access" to claim the profile, please do so. Information regarding the "Request Access" process can be found HERE.
Step 4: Complete "Billing Details" section
Step 5: Complete "Review Order" section