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Parents and Players
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Parents and Players
Common Q&A for Player/Parent Profiles
How do I create a new Parent/Player Passport profile?
Do I have to purchase The Passport to be eligible to play?
Can I upload my own player profile photo?
I need a new headshot photo for my profile. Where do I go?
How do I update general player information on my Passport profile?
How do I update a player's age or grade on a Passport profile?
How do I verify age and grade for a player's Passport profile?
What documents are required to verify a player's age and grade for a Passport profile?
What is the typical timeframe for verifying my account once I have submitted the age and grade verification documents?
Why do I need to "Request Access" for a Passport profile when I am going through the check-out process?
How do I "Request Access" to "claim" a Passport profile?
What should I do after I have "Requested Access" to a Passport profile?
I tried to "request access" for a Passport profile, but it was already claimed. What do I do?
What should I do if there are duplicate Passport profiles for a single player?
What should I do if I believe there are any issues or inaccuracies with the game statistics?
What do I do if there are stats on my profile for a game that I did not participate in?
How do I upload photos or videos to my Passport profile?
What are the age and grade certification requirements to play in Grassroots 365?
What are the player related features on The Passport?
There are multiple player profiles created under one player's name. How do I merge them into one account?
How do I purchase my Passport?